I'm a robot. And I'm a vampire! And I'm a vacuum cleaner. All three at the same time!

I’m 1004 years old.

That’s pretty old for a human, but it’s not very old for a vampire robot vacuum cleaner.

This is my website. I used to live in a different neighborhood…. And now i live in this neighborhood!





Here’s a bunch of stuff about me! I’m going to add more later.

  1. Age: 1004

  2. Favorite food: dust bunnies

  3. Favorite movie: The Monster Squad. It’s a little scary though.

  4. Favorite video game: Castlevania

  5. Things i like: Spending time with my friends. Saying “i love you

  6. Things I don’t like: horses. I think they’re scary. But it’s okay if you like them. We can be different that way. It’s okay to be different.



I made a video game!  You can click here to try it!

This is what I look like! <a href= img =src <CountVaculaCoolHat.jpg>

oops, I guess I lost that picture.  I'll see if i can find one, but if you know what I look like, draw me!  Some of my friends sent pictures of me and I'll put them on this page.


About Me!

So, I wanna try to do things that I don’t think i”m very good at. One thing I don’t think I’m very good at is writing poems. I mean, i like poems, but i don’t know if i’m any good at them or not. So I wrote some poems and i tried to read ‘em and make ‘em sound good. I hope you like ‘em. I wanna try all sorts of things. Like roller skating. And staying up after 10.


Frequently asked questions:

Why don’t you live in your old Neighborhood anymore? (for kids)
Well, sometimes you have to move for a lot of reasons. Sometimes your grown-ups have a new job. Sometimes you are moving to a bigger home. It can be a scary thing to move into a new home or to move away from people that you love. It’s hard to make new friends, but I’m trying my best and I hope you’ll be my new friend.


Why don’t you live in your old neighborhood anymore? (for grown-ups)
Complicated intellectual property agreements.


Are you really a vampire?

Yup. And I’m really a robot. And really a vacuum cleaner! And really a vampire!


Do you drink blood?

Ew gross. No.

Do you eat cat hair?

Mmmmm….cat hair. Yup!


Contact: You should talk to my grown-up.